Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - Vegan Bacon, Muffins, and Dinner!

When I went to the grocery store and I looked at the crazy vegan "meat" products, I thought "these are all really weird and I have to try at lease one." So I picked out some vegan bacon, and didn't expect much when I had plans to make it for breakfast this morning. Too be honest, I thought it was going to be disgusting.

When I opened the package, it looked gross. It's like plastic wrap that is air tight around an orange cube.

It was actually really hard to get it out of the plastic wrap. Once I did get the package open I split the slices in half - which I wasn't expecting because normal bacon doesn't do that. But when I tossed it on the frying pan, I was shocked to see that it actually sizzled!

I tried to get a picture of it actually sizzling- I swear it sounded just like real bacon! When I first open the package it had a strange smell, but as it cooked it started to smell like bacon too! I was shocked! It only takes a couple minutes to cook, so I threw a bagel in the toaster and washed some blackberries. When the bacon was done, I tossed it all on a plate:

O yeah, I put vegan butter on bagel (it spread okay, better than I thought it would). And then I tried the bacon and was shocked! It was good! It tasted like bacon! Well, it tasted like crispy bacon (I like my bacon soft and chewy) but I still ate it and enjoyed it. I was really surprised because it's made out of plants - how can plants taste like bacon?

Then! I found an awesome vegan blueberry muffin recipe. I was so excited to try them because I need some yummy snacks around this place. Here's a picture of the ingredients:

So simple, right? 7 ingredients - I was curious to see how they would taste with no butter, cream, or eggs. So, I heated up the oven, poured the batter into cute little paper cupcake holders, and of course took a picture:

I picked them up to pop them into the oven. And the oven was cold. Turns out my oven broke - bummer. So now, I have these 8 guys sitting in my fridge waiting to be cooked. Poor little muffins.

Then, dinner time rolled around. I already pre-planned to make black beans and rice. I have made this recipe many times and it is one of my favorites. It's quick and simple - plus most of the time I have the ingredients on hand. Here's the ingredients:

That's garlic, onion, and rice. The spices are cumin and cayenne.

The ingredients are cheap and simple, just what I love. Here is the finished product (actually this is the very finished product because I forgot to take a picture before eating, whoops):


So, that is what I ate today. I don't have any plans for eating tomorrow. I should do that, otherwise I will crave something naughty.

I haven't had any real problems being a vegan. . . yet. I don't have any meat cravings but I do have cravings for eggs. I love eggs- and I love to eat eggs with black beans and rice. Eggs are a comfort food for me. But other than eggs, I really don't miss all those other foods.

Maybe it's because I'm trying not to think of what I can't have (meat and dairy), but what I can have (plant based foods). It's really pleasant and peaceful to know that I everything I'm eating nobody had to die for. It all came from soil with no pain and no feelings.

I don't really feel healthier, as in my energy levels haven't changed. I don't think that they will because I already am energized most of the time. Maybe I will notice a difference once school starts in 2 days. I think that is when the challenges will come my way because I will be faced with eating out, and learning to say "no" to food people offer. I'm too nice - I know it's going be hard for me to say no to yummy cookies, or baguette, or pizza. YUM PIZZA.

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